Friday, July 18, 2008

Hey WhoCares Visitors

Well, since I got a mention among you folks, I figured I better post something current.

Today's smoothie-- a variation on an oldy but goody:

1 frozen banana
1/3 can pineapple with a bit of juice
1/3 c. coconut milk (not that wimpy light stuff)
4 large romaine leaves
1 generous handful of parsley


Plus, we each had a wee bowl of oatmeal and the adults had coffee.


Darby said...

you inspired me to make green smoothies this week, and i'm hooked. i threw in the fruit i had on hand (blueberries and a nectarine) with a bunch of redleaf lettuce, and a splash of milk. the lettuce was just a little spicy, and tasted absolutely great with the berries and nectarine. thanks for the idea. you're the coolest.

Anonymous said...

now if that concotion doesn't get things movin', i dont' know what will! :) parsley, tho? hmm.

i have raspberries, pineapple, bananas, strawberry yogurt, romaine and spinach hanging around. dare i take the plunge? there is wheat germ lurking around the back of the fridge!

Anonymous said...

hey whocaresians -

when you come up with a green/raw smoothie combo you like, post it on whocares cooks too! there's a 'raw' label! pics too!